Sunday, November 02, 2008

Fall Break Trip

the perfect spot for a morning cup of coffee

dinner of trout that we caught

with our supper!

G's catch of the day

the stream behind our cabin

S as Huck

mommy's favorite at TFB...french toast with their raspberry sauce and honey creme anglais
G thought it pretty enough to photograph!

such a fun loft

breakfast on the porch

open air eating at The Flying Biscuit

The boys recently had fall break off from school so we headed to the mountains. We had the best little cabin in the woods complete with a babbling brook in the back. S and G might as well have been Tom and Huck. It was the perfect set up for little boys! We spent a ton of time outside in the fresh air as Fall had just arrived in the South. Some of the highlights for the boys were sleeping in their very own loft, playing board games and eating S'mores, and trout fishing! We ended up our time in Atlanta where we hit some of our favorite haunts like Trader Joe's, the Flying Biscuit and the midtown area.
It was a much needed and sweet time to get away from our regular pace and focus on each other.
Oh and these pictures are not in order. Sorry ;) I'm lazy...


MaryMartha said...

oh wow! Those trout were HUGE!
My husband loves to fish for trout...please tell me where in the world you found trout that big around ATL? He'll be there fishing by the end of the month :)

Bryan said...

is that a miller light!??

Summer said...

you all are so good a/b taking family trips!! i'm so jealous! where in the mtns was that??

jess said...


bryan...jamie says to tell you that we'd just had some friends visit from NY and they didn't bring any good beer w/ them ;)

Amanda said...

I am incredibly impressed that you caught your own dinner! Wow.