Friday, September 05, 2008

cleanliness is next to godliness

trying to get the boys to wash their hands long enough to indeed kill any bacteria harboring there is not an easy feat. i've tried having them count to 25 and many other things. this at times has worked for sumner, but grayson is another story. he pops in and out of LaLa Land so frequently, that i have to be a little more creative. i'll send him to wash his hands, go about my business and then realize 10 minutes later he's not back and the water is still running. he's lost in thought or is watching the waterfall that is cascading down his hands (immediately after putting the soap on them!)

and there go our efforts toward water conservation.

so, i read a tip the other day that said to have your child sing the Happy Birthday song two times through while washing. this is done in hopes to keep them on task long enough to do the job.

this is what i heard grayson singing in his bathroom today:

"happy birfday to you, cha! cha! cha!
happy birfday to you, cha! cha! cha!
happy birfday, dear shelby, (our babysitter)
happy birfday to you
ahhhh-men. "

i think it worked!


Angie Davis said...

too cute. and i'll have to remember that.

Summer said...

i wish i could be around him more...he seems so precious!!

Amanda said...

How cute is that!