Sunday night I just wasn't up for going to church. I simply didn't have time. I was weary of all the tasks before me. Sad, I know.
I had gotten into Multi-Tasking Dragon Lady Who Has A 1st grader With a Week's Worth of Catch Up Work to Do Plus a Baby Who is Teething and Not Sleeping and Sandy Laundry from a Week at the Beach Taking Over My Laundry Area...Mode. (even sadder that after a nice week at the beach, i was complaining about laundry.)
I can't relax when I have those things hanging over my head. While I'm beyond grateful for each of the little stinkers that makes the laundry pile up, I often let it rob me of my joy. So, I waffled back and forth...should I stay and catch up or go? Jamie encouraged me to go so we could all worship together.
The second song we sang was one of my favorites from the Gadsby Hymnal~Will the Lord Indeed Appear. Our church musicians have taken beautiful hymns from the 17 and 1800's and created new arrangements for them that I am convinced rival the angels in heaven in melody. The music is just amazing and always brings me around.
I realized I had basically [again!] failed to acknowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who is ready and waiting to be my Help.
William Gadsby may not have been facing a to do list a mile long or 3 children who need loving fact he may have had much more daunting things to face when he wrote this song. Nonetheless, it spoke to my heart when we sang it and I was glad my husband had encouraged me to leave it and go. Not only was it sweet to sing these songs of praise, I got to fellowship w/ the Body and some people I really love.
What am I, and where am I?
Strange myself and paths appear;
Scarce can lift a thought on high,
Or drop one heart feeling tear.
Yet I feel I'm not at home,
but know not which way to move:
Lest I farther yet should roam
From my blessed love.
Some small glimmering light I have,
Yet too dark to see my way;
Jesus' presence still I crave;
When, O when will it be day?
Is the evening time at hand?
Will it then indeed be light?
Will the sun its beams extend,
To chase away the night?
Will the Lord indeed appear,
Give me light and joy and rest,
Drive away my gloomy fear.
Draw me to his lovely breast?
Then his love is rich and free;
Jesus, let me feel its power,
And my soul will cling to thee,
Love and praise thee and adore.
*and, by the way, if you have never heard the music of Red Mountain Church, do yourself a favor and go download some at itunes. i'll be glad to share my favorites with you :)
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago