Monday, August 13, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

so it's back to real life now after our last summer vacation before the start of big kid school this week. i can hardly believe it! needless to say, it's all about quick and easy this week!

Monday: Salmon with Puff Pastry-this is so delicious and when i made it the first time i couldn't believe what a breeze it was! great for company, too.

Tuesday: Shrimp Coconut Soup-it's a bit hot for this given our current heat wave in the south, but i crave spicy food even more when pregnant than i normally do!

Wednesday: Grilled Chicken and Lauren's Black Bean and Corn Salad

Thursday: Dinner at the home of friends. I'm taking this salad: Cranberry Spinach Salad

Friday: Fresh local vegetables from the Farmer's Market


katie said...

someday, i'm going to plan our meals too... the salmon sounds easy and yummy.

Amanda said...

Look at you Miss Fresh Local Vegetables! Super healthy menu!! :)