Saturday, November 25, 2006

the practice of thankfulness

as i sit here in my warm home after thanksgiving, i thought i would make a list of some of the things for which i am thankful. mainly for myself, but also for those of you who read my blog from time to time ;)
it's so easy to lose sight of what's important and instead concern myself with how my house looks during the holidays, with buying just the right present for each family and friend, the non-stop schedule that sometimes i forget to be thankful that i have a home! a recent trip to huntville to serve the poor living there was certainly an adequate reminder of how luxurious my day to day life is compared to the majority of the world.

so i will start with that....i'm thankful for my home! instead of complaining about how far I am from everything, i will focus on things that I often a home with heat that works, running water, a bed for each family member...pest control!
i'm thankful that the laundy is never done because my family is blessed with plenty of clothing to wear.
i'm thankful that there are dirty dishes in my sink because my family had food to eat for dinner .
i'm thankful for friends who pray for the "details of life" and for me and my family, for the good health of my husband and children, for 7 years of marriage to a husband who loves me unconditionally, for two new "nieces" to love on, for the scent of a cut Christmas tree in my living room, for the excitement of getting the mail each day in the coming weeks as I open cards from friends and family across the country,
for the twinkle in the eyes of my two boys as they take in the lights on the tree, for the sheer joy that my four year old finds in decorating sugar cookies, for the answered prayer of a dear friend and the joy of a new son, for the body of Christ and the joy that comes with serving with friends, and mainly, for the grace that God daily gives me regardless of whether i am faithful. where would I be without that? His character and love never change whereas mine seem to change daily! He is always faithful to me, even when i go through an entire day without acknowledging him.
my list could go on and on...i just wanted to make a conscious effort to list some of the things that i often overlook.

"how great the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure. that He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure. "
~Stuart Townend


Anonymous said...

thanks jess. i need such help in seeing the "good" in the "bad."
i'll try REALLY hard to send christmas cards this year... just for you!

jess said...

regretfully, i can assure you both this isn't my daily attitude! the Lord was gracious to remind me to be thankful that day! as for today...well, let's just say that today i could have channeled a bit of anne lamott :) hehe!

katie said...

hey, look at your new girlie blog! cute...
and do you know why my comments are turning to anonymous?? weird.

lauren said...

i think God is speaking through you regarding the distance our homes are from everything comment! i guess we need to remember how excited we were when we bought our homes... how grateful we were to get out of an apartment! thanks for the reminder. ;)